Show Dates
Give the Drummer Radio - WFMU
Tribute to late recording engineer George Belle.
Svobodni- Mercenary Blues
Jimmy Bennington Colour and Sound- live at Andy's
Jimmy Bennington Colour and Sound - live at the Jazz Estate
Jimmy Bennington/ Steve Cohn/ Ed Schuller (SLAM)
by Jimmy Bennington Colour and Sound
by Jimmy Bennington and Steve Cohn Two 'Drifting Cowboys' on a first meeting in Chicago via Hackensack, New Jersey. Improvised composition by pianist Steve Cohn and drummer Jimmy Bennington. Recorded on a cold February day in 2010 at Todd Carter studios. Mastered by George Belle.
by Jimmy Bennington & Samuel Hasting
Jimmy Bennington & Steve Cohn
jimmy bennington trio feat benjamin duboc and jobic lemasson
jimmy bennington/ demian richardson trio feat. ken filiano
jimmy bennington trio feat. daniel carter and ed schuller
Colour & Sound Trio
Past and Present